Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wordpress for Beginners

Wordpress for Beginners

WPBeginner v4 – New Design, Features, and What’s Next

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 10:58 AM PDT

Wow, it was just a little over 7 months ago, when I wrote about WPBeginner version 3.0. After a lot of hard work, reconsideration, and optimization, I am proud to present WPBeginner 4.0. We pushed this new design live right before BlogWorld, so roughly 2 weeks ago. If you read our website via email or another feed reader, then I would highly appreciate if you take a look at the website. Let us know your thoughts. There were a lot of major changes in WPBv4 new design and site structure.

Why we switched to WPBv4 so fast?

When I first launched the redesign, some of my good friends asked: didn’t you guys do a redesign not that long ago? Yes we did about 7 months ago. Having two major redesigns in a year period must demand explanation. So why did we switch to WPBv4? Well I think the main reason was poor conversion. Ever since WPBeginner was launched, we had a signature “orange” bar at the top. In the last design, we got rid of that. That not only made the site look very dull, but a lot of our users complained that they couldn’t recognize the site. The last design was really cool because it attempted to emulate the WordPress dashboard however that got old really fast. I started missing the orange myself.

Another big complaint that we heard from a lot of users was that the content was very hard to find. To see blog categories, the user had to be under the blog section of the website. Having the site responsive for numerous screen sizes demanded shifting of content. This resulted in decrease of conversion (opt-ins, sales, potential clients, etc). I knew that we had to do something about it FAST. I got to the white board and started making a list of things to do. With so much feedback and complaints, I saw that to-do list just got out of control. Next thing I know, we were having the talks of a re-design. Now here we are with a new design.

What the Heck Changed?

There were a lot of changes (some major ones too). I will do my best to highlight each of them and explain why we made those changes.

  • Gallery Shutdown – We launched our gallery in the hopes to showcase the best WordPress designs. All the content was user-submitted. The task ended up being a lot harder than expected. Over 90% of the sites submitted didn’t meet the cut. I almost felt that we weren’t making any progress there. We would moderate through the sites daily just to find out “No Quality Site Submission” AGAIN. So I decided to pull the plug.
  • Coupons re-branded as Deals – Do you remember our coupons section? Well, it has a new name now. Its hosted under Deals. It is no longer a multi-site subdomain. Instead it is a custom post type. There were a few reasons why we made this change. The biggest reason was better structuring the site. Coupons were limiting us to post only coupons on the site. This made the News section of the blog fairly crowded. With a new name, Deals, we can now post everything in one place. Having it as a custom post type makes it much easier for us to integrate it through out the site.
  • Videos Launched – We finally launched WPBeginner WordPress Videos. We were suppose to launch it a month or two after the last redesign. Because of all the feedback/complaints, we decided to hold back on the launch. Currently there are 17 videos that will show you the WordPress Basics. There are plans on adding more video tutorials in there as time goes by.
  • WPBeginner’s Blueprint – After doing the case-study of List25, we got bombarded with emails from users asking for a Behind the Scenes of WPBeginner. This is why we have launched WPBeginner’s Blueprint. This gives us a single place where we can list all plugins, tools, and services that we use. It also allows us to keep it fairly up to date. Blueprint Videos are in the works to make that area more personal.
  • Guides Initiative – Often we would get emails or tweets from users asking us where is the guide? I always felt like smacking my head on the wall. My answer was like, the whole freaking website is a guide. However, I understand that it is our job as a team to make our site easier to navigate. The guides will have a step by step guide of using WordPress. Currently its fairly basic, but we will be adding more items there. For those who are wondering, this is just an area where we show hand-picked articles that we have already covered.
  • WordPress Hosting – In the past, we had a list of recommended WordPress hosts. In the new release, we want our user’s feedback as well. We have added the ability for users to RATE each host and leave reviews. Please take a look at our WordPress Hosting page to see if your hosting provider is listed there. If they are, then please consider leaving a review. This will help others making the right decision.
  • Services – In the past, our services page was never super elaborate. We provide a wide-variety of services that we do not market. Never found a need to because we have always been packed with clients. As we hire more people, we have decided to make our WordPress services public. That page is still in the works. I want us to have a custom landing page for each.
  • Genesis Framework – WPBeginner is now powered on Genesis. The last design was a stand-alone, but we are back with our favorite framework.
  • Livefyre – In the new design, we have switched back to the default WordPress comments. We switched away from livefyre. We wrote an article about it already “6 reasons why we switched away from Livefyre“.
  • Visual Changes – There are a lot of visual changes. Fonts, font-size, etc.

What’s Next?

I still have a long list of things to do. I am super excited to see the direction we are heading in. We will soon start to offer Freebies. I want us to have a good compilation of books. If you have book recommendations, then please contact us. I want WPBeginner to cater to niche markets as well. There are some more interesting stuff in the works for that :)

A new giveaways section is in the works, then we will get back to doing our regular giveaways like we used to. I just don’t want to crowd the news section anymore. More news coming on that soon.

We are working on a “semi-responsiveness” of this theme. Basically you can call it a mobile-version. The biggest complaint we got from our users previously was that our mobile “responsive” design didn’t give them a way to switch back to the full version. So we are trying to figure out the best way to tackle this issue.

I will do my best to keep you guys updated as we add more features.

Yours Truly,
Syed Balkhi

WPBeginner v4 – New Design, Features, and What’s Next is a post from: WPBeginner which is not allowed to be copied on other sites.

How To Find Custom Designed IPad Skins

By Michael Miller

There is nothing worse than getting a scratch or ding in a new iPad, iPod or other electronic device. They are designed to go anywhere, but the constant handling means they take a lot of abuse. It is important to put some sort of covering or skin over the device to provide protection. While clear and colored films are available, now one can have custom tablet and iPad skins printed from one's own design.

The best selection of coverings and skins for electronic devices like kindles, nooks and iPads are available online. Retailers just don't have the room to stock a wide range of choices. In addition to the number of predesigned coatings available, many providers allow one to custom create their own device skin.

With this service there is an infinite amount of designs available. That is because each is custom designed. Any image, text or even a photograph can be made into a skin for one's electronic device. This provides a covering and look that is completely unique and one-of-a-kind.

Search online to find a printer of custom skins. After choosing the type of device - Nook, Kindle, iPad, iPhone, or just about any other type of phone or tablet - start designing. There are a number of background colors to choose, then upload an image file. This can be any type of graphic, logo or text. A full color photograph can also be used.

The design process is simple and takes just a few minutes. Once you are happy with the look the skin is printed and shipped. The whole process takes just a couple of days. Each covering is customized sized for the particular make and model of device, so there is no trimming needed in order to get a perfect fit. The skin can be easily removed to update the design.

Custom iPad skins provide a truly personalized device. The printing produces bright colors, and photographs are clear and vivid. Any device can have a custom skin and they make a great gift for any occasion.

About the Author:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Top 5 SEO Don'ts

Top 5 SEO Don'ts

Top 5 SEO Don'ts

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 04:33 AM PDT

Learn the top 5 SEO mistakes to avoid to ensure your blog posts and online content get the keyword search rankings and traffic they deserve.

Should You Sell Text Links on Your Blog?

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 04:33 AM PDT

Learn the pros and cons of letting someone pay for a text link on your blog.

Internal Link Building and Link SEO Tricks

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 04:33 AM PDT

Learn easy ways to boost search traffic through internal link building and link SEO on your blog.

Beginner SEO Tips Interview

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 04:33 AM PDT

An interview with SEO expert Gab Goldenberg which will provide beginner steps for bloggers to follow to optimize their blogs for search engines to bring more traffic from keyword searches.

Increase Organic Google Traffic to Your Blog

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 04:33 AM PDT

Learn how to boost Google traffic to your blog the natural way and without violating Google rules.

5 Professional Blogger Tips

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 04:33 AM PDT

Learn the most important things a paid blogger should do to ensure their career as a professional blogger is successful.

Guest Blog Guidelines

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 04:33 AM PDT

Use the sample guest blog post submission guidelines on your blog to streamline guest blog post publishing.

5 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Blog

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 04:33 AM PDT

Does your blog need a spring cleaning? Bring your blog back to life with these easy tips.

Identify Blog Comment Spam

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 04:33 AM PDT

Learn five easy ways to determine if that comment left on one of your blog posts is blog comment spam or not.

How to create a custom database error page

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 07:21 AM PDT

Paste the code below into a new file. Name it db-error.php and save it on your wp-content directory. In case of a database error, WordPress will automatically use this file.

  <?php // custom WordPress database error page      header('HTTP/1.1 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable');    header('Status: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable');    header('Retry-After: 600'); // 1 hour = 3600 seconds      // If you wish to email yourself upon an error    // mail("", "Database Error", "There is a problem with the database!", "From: Db Error Watching");    ?>    <!DOCTYPE HTML>  <html>  <head>  <title>Database Error</title>  <style>  body { padding: 20px; background: red; color: white; font-size: 60px; }  </style>  </head>  <body>    You got problems.  </body>  </html>  

Thanks to CSS Tricks for the tip!

9 WordPress Myths That Might Surprise You

9 WordPress Myths That Might Surprise You

9 WordPress Myths That Might Surprise You

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 11:15 AM PDT

If you are new to using WordPress you may have heard a number of things about WordPress that held information that was slightly less than the whole truth. Here in the WordPress community we refer to these misrepresentations as “WordPress Myths”.

WordPress Myths are either completely fictitious or an exaggerated conception of what WordPress really is. The problem with Myths is that they tend to be a widely held but false belief in what typically contains some truth to it.

Myth 1: Too Many Plugins Slow Your Site

WordPress Myth PlausibleIt depends. According to Mike Little, the co-founding developer of WordPress, some plugins are slow, some plugins are fast, some plugins have absolutely no effect. Some plugins are built and designed specifically to speed UP your site.

Myth 2: Inactive Plugins Slow Your Site

WordPress Myth BustedInactive plugins have nothing to do with the speed of your site. It is worth noting though, that inactive plugins, among other things, on your site should be kept up to date. Outdated plugins on your site do pose a security risk.

Myth 3: Inactive Themes Slow Your Site

WordPress Myth BustedInactive themes, just like plugins, have nothing to do with the speed of your site. Inactive themes on your site should also be kept up to date. Outdated themes on your site do pose a security risk.

Myth 4: Too Many Revisions Slow Your Site

WordPress Myth BustedRevisions have no effect on the speed of your site. I like Mike’s perspective on this as was presented in one of his presentations last February…

“WordPress is clever enough to ignore revisions on the front end” and “MySQL is clever enough that a lot of revisions makes no difference to query speed.”

Revisions do however take up space in the database.

Myth 5: Keeping a lot of Trash or Not Emptying the Trash Slows Your Site

WordPress Myth BustedKeeping a lot in your trash and not emptying your trash has no effect on the speed of your site for the same reasoning that was applied to the revisions. And like having a lot of revisions, a lot of trash items also occupies database space.

Myth 6: WordPress is for Blogs

WordPress Myth PlausibleIt is true that WordPress is for blogs, but it is not ONLY for blogs. Wikipedia states that WordPress is a free and open source blogging tool and a dynamic content management system.

Myth 7: WordPress is Unprofessional

Many large professional and governmental national companies are using WordPress. Some examples are, Ford Motor Company, the Wall Street Journal and the United States Department of Health.

Myth 8: WordPress Websites are Low Quality

WordPress Myth PlausibleIt is true that there are many low quality WordPress websites out on the Internet. However, it is not WordPress that makes the websites worthless, it is what the owners, designers and developers of those sites have chosen to do with WordPress. That being said there are many sites on the Internet that display high quality WordPress websites like CNN and Number 10 Downing Street.

Myth 9: WordPress is Insecure

WordPress can be as secure as any other site on the internet. History shows that WordPress has not had a major security problem in over 2 years. The more precautions you take to secure you site, the more secure it will be. As mentioned earlier, outdated themes and plugins can open security holes – as can anything that is on your site that is not up to date. Even hosting companies can be the root of some security issues.

There are many more WordPress Myths floating around. I would love to hear some of the crazy things that you have found (or heard from potential clients) to be myth as you became familiar with WordPress.

No related posts.

5 Plugins for Magazines and Newspapers

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Are you starting your venture in the online newspaper or magazine world? There are many plugins out there to help you style your posts to replicate physical newspapers and magazines articles.

The standard font provided by the WordPress text editor is plain old Arial and only basic typographic and styling options are provided, however if you would like your online magazine or newspaper to look a little fancier, then you'll need to install some plugins or change your CSS file.

Below are some plugins to make your posts and articles seem more like their counterparts in the physical world:

FD Footnotes

Demonstration of FD Footnotes

FD Footnotes is a plugin that adds footnotes to your posts. This is especially useful if you're posting an essay, research paper or even a news article to your WordPress. This plugin will even display the relevant link to the footnote in the post.

Magazine Columns

Two Column Display

Magazine Columns allows you to split your post into two or more columns, this is especially useful in the 'single post' view where you have more room to maneuver and play around with. You can split the post into as many columns as you would like with the <!–column–> tag.


Upload your Custom Fonts in the Admin Area

TTFTitles gives you the ability to add custom fonts to your posts. Technology has changed so much that you do not now require your viewers to have a custom font installed on their machine in order to view it. Installation is easy and you can upload new fonts from your WordPress installation as well.

Simple Pull Quote

Pull Quote Demonstration

Simple Pull Quote allows users to easily insert and display pull quotes in a unique and clean way. The pull quote area can also be styled to your liking through the CSS files.

Drop Caps

Drop Caps

Drop Caps in Post

Drop Caps in Comments

Drop Caps is a plugin that allows you to enlarge the first letter of your post and prominently display it over multiple lines, just like what is done in articles printed in physical magazines. You can even adjust the plugin to display drop caps in your posts' comments.

There is another method to display drop caps as Joseph Foley showed us in a previous post, however that method requires changing your CSS file manually.

There are many other plugins to manipulate typography and the style in your posts. Do you use any of the ones listed above? Which other ones do you use?

Drop Cap image courtesy of CircaSassy. Feature image courtesy of FontShop.

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Creating Sample XML Data for Multiple WordPress Sites

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 09:15 AM PDT

Creating XML Data for Multiple WordPress SitesBloggers working with several clients understand the difficulty in managing multiple installations of WordPress, especially when it comes to initial design and site testing. Clients always want to preview an early version of the site to test the look and feel, to make sure text looks good on the page, and to confirm the site has all the desired functionality.

But constantly populating those new sites with posts, pages, and comments can be a real chore; and for the developer, it doesn't bring any measurable return. That's why efficient designers don't create new test content for each client. Instead, they make use of sample XML data to get even the newest WordPress installation up to speed quickly with template posts, pages, media, and admin settings. For admins running WordPress Multisite, sample content can be extremely powerful.

If you're planning to work with clients creating and designing blogs, here are a few tips that will save you time populating those sites with sample content using WordPress' built in import/export functionality.

Use WordPress Tools to Import and Export Content

In the TOOLS section of the WordPress admin dashboard you will see two options; Import and Export. For such a small menu item with no discernible settings, this WordPress functionality packs some power, and allows you to become the ninja designer you want to be.

Simply put, EXPORT allows you to take the current site's posts and pages and export them to an xml file for use outside the blog.  IMPORT allows you to import external posts and pages into the current site.

Creating an XML Export of Your WordPress Content

In the export settings menu WordPress gives you a short explanation of the XML format and what it can be used for. You'll notice the built-in exporting feature allows you to make a copy of posts, pages, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags.

WordPress Export Settings

If you have custom post types those options will also be available to choose from downloads, and will show up underneath standard posts and pages.

Importing Custom Post Types to WordPress


In this screen, you can select whether you want certain types of content, like just posts, or just pages, or all content to be exported. When you’re done, simply click "Download Export File” and you will have a portable version of your blog’s data, which can then be imported into another WordPress installation, or any site that accepts XML data imports.

Importing an XML File to WordPress

Importing data in your WordPress back-end is just as easy as exporting. The first import menu screen shows you the different types of data you can import. You'll notice WordPress' standard importing features allow you to pull in data from eight of the most popular blogging platforms.

WordPress can import from 8 popular blogging platforms

Since the data we exporting was directly from WordPress you'll choose "WordPress." If this is the first time you've used the WordPress Import feature, the system may ask you to install WordPress's import functionality. That is actually done through a plugin. Simply follow the instructions on-screen and you will be taken directly to the import plugin for installation. Activate it, and navigate back to the WordPress Import Settings to bring in the XML data.

A file upload dialog box will prompt you to find the xml data. WordPress parses the data and strips out authors and images for further processing.

If the xml data includes content from multiple authors, WordPress will ask you to whom in your current blog those posts should be assigned. If the blog into which you are importing is new and only one author exists, all those posts will be attributed to that author.

WordPress Import Settings

If the imported content contains images and file attachments, WordPress will import those attachments attempt to place them in the posts and pages for you automatically, and import them into your media library as well. To perform that function, you'll make sure the check box for "Download and import file attachments" is selected before clicking the Submit button to finish your import.

On the final import screen you'll see a running list of imported data. If all goes well, you will get a message that all the data is imported correctly, and WordPress will tell you to "Have fun!"

If there were errors, WordPress will list them for you. Usually import errors occur when functionality from one blog doesn't mix with the second blog. For instance, if you have custom post types setup in the export blog, but not in the imported blog, those posts might fail to upload correctly. Also, if you have categories setup in the first blog which do not yet exist in the second blog, you might see a fail error. It's usually best to import into blogs which have roughly the same setup as the blog from which you exporting.  That's why creating sample xml template data is best done in the early stages of a blog, or for blogs which will be used as simple demo sites for your clients.


Using XML template files allows you to quickly take sample data from one blog to another blog, without having to constantly create content for new clients. Experienced WordPress developers use this method when designing new themes and showing them off or creating live demo's for potential clients and theme purchasers.

If you use WordPress' multisite configuration, you can also populate all your network sites with the same sample data, including pictures, media, and post content – making it even easier for your users to get up to speed with their new blogs.

No related posts.

Produce Perfect Blog Posts Every Time with Wordy for WordPress

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Wordy for WordPressWe all have our fortes.

I consider myself a pretty decent writer, but my design skills leave little to be desired. And because blogging demands competency in a number of disciplines (such as writing, design, and marketing), there are very few of us who can nail all the different areas.

So there is nothing wrong with getting a little help. And if you feel that your writing skills are a weak link in your blogging process, Wordy for WordPress may be able to help.

What is Wordy?

First of all, there is a distinction I should make. Wordy is a service – the Wordy for WordPress plugin makes it easy for that service to be used by WordPress bloggers. So let’s check out Wordy first. Take a look at this brief video:

That should give you a pretty good idea of what Wordy has to offer – professional editing and proof-reading services for a very reasonable price. If you feel that your blog posts could benefit from a polish, Wordy might be right up your alley.

What really impresses is their claimed turnaround time of just 25 minutes. If you are the impatient type and can’t wait to get your content published, Wordy won’t hold you up for long.

Wordy for WordPress

The Wordy for WordPress plugin makes it easy for you to submit your WordPress blog posts to the Wordy service from within your dashboard.

Once you have linked the plugin to your Wordy account, you can submit your content (with comments) directly from the post screen:

Wordy for WordPress

Once a job has been submitted, you will be presented with a summary of the details:

Wordy for WordPress

Finally, Wordy for WordPress includes an editorial comments section, so that you can be instantly informed of any issues and/or the job completion:

Wordy for WordPress

The integration is very slick. If you are already a Wordy user and blog using WordPress, installing this plugin is a no-brainer. If you are not yet a Wordy user, but feel that you might benefit from their services, now may be the ideal time to give them a go.

Download Wordy for WordPress here.

No related posts.

WordPress Font Changes Made Easy

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Fonts can make a big difference on a website. And, if you rely on themes for most of your designs, fonts may be an area where you’ve allowed yourself to compromise on what you really want.

Sure, you can hack into the stylesheet to make changes to the fonts… but yuck! If you’re like me, one of the main reasons that you use themes is so that you’re not stuck custom coding.

Enter the Fontific Plugin

The Fontific plugin gives you a coding-free method to manipulate the CSS on your theme. You can customize the fonts used throughout your site to get the look you really want from whatever theme you like.

Here’s an example of the same theme running on two different sites – the fonts on each have been customized using Fontific to match the branding on each of the sites:

When I find a new theme – I get obsessed with it. So, I end up using it over and over again. As you can see in the titles circled above, Fontific helps me make each of the sites look different, while still being able to use the theme options I’m gaa-gaa over at the time.

A Look Under the Hood

What I love most about this plugin is that you don’t have to touch your stylesheet. You simply enter the tags you want to override, and tell Fontific what you’d like to see instead of your theme’s settings.

The font choices come from the Google Web Font directory – and though the entire database isn’t available, there is a decent selection to chose from.

The interface is simple:

You can change:

  • Font type and variant (like Bold, Italic, etc)
  • Font Size
  • Font Color
  • Line Height
  • Word Spacing
  • Letter Spacing

As you make changes on this panel, you’ll see the preview font on the right change (the red script in the example above) to show you what you’ve selected. Saving the new settings updates your site automatically. Both of these features make it easy to “play” with the look and get it exactly as you’d like it.

Some Weirdness

Well… I guess these aren’t all that weird… but they are the things that I get caught on the first time around:

1 – You’ll find the settings under your Appearance menu. Sure, it makes sense that it would be here – but after installing a plugin, I always jump to the Settings menu and glance around for a new item on the toolbar. So, it took me a minute to find the new “Fonts” item on the Appearance menu:

2 – Above, you’ll see that I circled the H1 tag. The first time that I logged in, it wasn’t clear that the blank space there at the top of the rounded-corner box is where the tag should go. Again, just one of those things that can take you a minute the first time around.

3 – It doesn’t pull a list of tags from your stylesheet. Now, I’m probably asking for too much here… but it would be nice to not have to open the stylesheet at all, or not need to guess at what all the tags might be.

(I use the “Inspect Element” feature on the front end of the site to ensure that I’m choosing the correct tag to edit. It takes a lot of guesswork out of the process.)

Despite these factors, the tool is easy to use and can help you remove a point of compromise from your decision making process when choosing a new theme – or will allow you to reuse a theme over and over again without it looking like the same theme over and over again.

Photo: Letterpress wood type arrangement from Pixmac.


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Photocrati Acquires Popular WordPress NextGEN Gallery Plugin

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 07:30 AM PDT

Many of you are familiar with the wildly popular NextGEN Gallery plugin for WordPress. It’s been one of the most widely used WordPress gallery plugins with over 5 million total downloads, 3,600 daily downloads and 26,000 weekly downloads.

The big news this week is that NextGEN Gallery has just been acquired by Photocrati. Photocrati provides all-in-one WordPress websites and galleries for photographers. They’ve got big plans for adding new features to the plugin, including:

  • Improving the user interface
  • Adding capabilities to manage galleries from within posts and pages
  • Working with Automattic to integrate with WordPress VIP
  • New slideshow, filmstrip and thumbnail displays
  • Caption and filmstrip styling
  • eCommerce capabilities w/ print and price options, digital downloads, shopping cart and PayPal features
  • Bug fixes and security patches
  • Build a relationship with the NextGEN Gallery user community through blogging and social channels

These features will be moving into the testing phase midsummer, though the first major update will not be until later this year. The team at Photocrati also plans to add full integration for NextGEN Gallery and their very popular Photocrati theme. Want to get in on the action early? Photocrati is planning to introduce a beta testing program. Get in touch with them if you are interested in being a beta tester.

For more information check out the announcement on the newly relaunched NextGEN Gallery blog and the Photocrati website.

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At Long Last, Facebook Allows Native Scheduled Posting

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 06:30 AM PDT

Despite Facebook’s incredible growth over the past 8 years in terms of registered users and features, the platform still lacks a number of capabilities that users have been requesting for some time. One such feature is native post scheduling for Facebook Pages. Pages allow businesses to professionally organize and structure their engagement with their followers. The ability to schedule posts ahead of time is a big deal to brands of all sizes as well as independent entrepreneurs and marketers. Thankfully, Facebook has finally heard the pleas of users and developed native post scheduling for all manner of Pages.

The Problem & The Solution

For a long time, Pages required third-party tools to schedule the publication of content at a future date. Facebook’s roll out of scheduled post functionality finally brings a native feature to the service that has traditionally been the domain of ancillary apps. Social media managers can now compose and fine-tune their posts beforehand from within their Facebook accounts quickly and easily. In addition, Facebook now allows for easier management of admin privileges. That means that Page account overseers can determine which members of their organization can perform certain actions. Admin privileges come in five different levels, from Manager to Insights Analyst.

Using Facebook’s Scheduler

Facebook’s post scheduling for Pages couldn’t be any simpler. Page admins can schedule posts to be published at any point during the coming six months. Just head over to the posting section of your Page and log in as a Manager. Within your content creation area, you’ll see a small clock icon in the lower left-hand corner. Click on that, and you’ll be allowed to whip up announcements and posts, save drafts, edit your work, finalize any little details and select a date and time to post your content. That’s really all there is to it. To manage admin privileges, go to “Manage” in the top right-hand drop-down box and select “Settings” from the menu.

How It Helps Page Owners

Post scheduling and advanced admin management help businesses and other organizations in a number of ways. The most obvious advantage of the new functionality is improved time management. Social media can become pretty time-consuming if you don’t have the right tools for the job, so the ability to bang out posts and announcements in one session and schedule them for later publication is a big plus. In addition, admin privilege management allows for better control over the contents of any Page. The new Facebook Page admin scheme makes delegation of tasks and access to resources a whole lot simpler in the long run. Users with low-level admin rights can check on things like Facebook Insights without inadvertently interfering with the post schedule.

Impact on Third-Party Tools

Obviously, native post scheduling on Facebook eliminates the need for third-party applications that are focused solely on providing that capability for Pages. However, few applications put all of their eggs in one basket and provide just one function. The more popular social media management apps like Hootsuite and Buddy Media will remain relevant precisely because they offer much more than just the scheduling of content publication. These “dashboard” apps may notice a slight, temporary drop in interest from users who rely on Facebook alone for their social media needs. Regardless, it’s unlikely that native Facebook post management will cause any long-lasting damage to their business or revenue.

The Last Word

Scheduled posts may not seem like a very big deal to the average Facebook user, but they’re a major step in the right direction when it comes to helping businesses and brands increase their ROI from their social networking efforts. Despite the fact that scheduled posts won’t radically change the way that Pages work in everyday usage, they’re still a nice touch that will make the platform more versatile and convenient for business users. As the social media marketing game continues to become more competitive, a structured approach to customer interaction will become all the more important. Viewed in that light, Facebook’s native post scheduling is a big deal to any company that’s using social media to gain a competitive edge.

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A Great Way to Learn PHP Coding at Lunch

Posted: 19 Jun 2012 05:45 AM PDT

Learn to Code in Your Free Time

Now all you need for lunch is a book.


I am a lunch reader.  Always have been.   Give me a half-hour to forty-five minutes and I will break out a newspaper and start catching up on yesterday’s happenings.  I recently decided to make my lunchtime habit a bit more productive,  though, by reading a chapter a day (give or take, sometimes I do like a lunchtime nap) from PHP & MySQL : The Missing Manual.

The Missing Manual

Published by the good people at O'Reilly, PHP & MySQL : The Missing Manual aims to teach the average user (they wrote for an Advanced Beginner or Intermediate level of techy-ness) how to begin creating applications in PHP.   By the end of the book, the reader will have created a website where users can securely login, create a profile, and log out.  Not necessarily the most exciting application ever put to code, but one that runs a user through a heap of useful PHP & MySQL functions: writing SQL commands, creating tables, getting information from users, retrieving that information from a database, and authenticating and authorizing users.

Learn PHP to Improve Your WordPress Skills

Now all you need for lunch is a sandwich.

More Importantly…

But that is only half of the value of a foundation-forming book like this.  What it really ought to do is to teach the reader how to think and act like a real, honest-to-goodness programmer.  And that it does:

  • Before each task, the author clearly lays out what the code intends to accomplish and what will need to be done to accomplish that task.
  • You code, test, code, and test again, even when the application is not quite ready, if only to understand what an aspiring programmer should always be doing.
  • Error logging and management is not relegated to an appendix, but is discussed throughout and even occupies a substantial chapter right in the middle (I’ll admit that that did induce one of the lunchtime naps).
  • Commenting and refactoring to make your code easier to follow is discussed frequently and thoroughly.


If  you are a WordPress user who is looking to learn a little bit more about how it all works (or someone who is looking to deepen their knowledge of server-side scripting),  I dare you to read this book and not feel pushed to rush off and start poking around your WordPress database (just be careful!).

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Daily Tip: Add Pocket Read It Later Links to WordPress Posts

Posted: 18 Jun 2012 05:16 PM PDT

If you’re a fan of the Pocket ‘Read It’ Later service, you may want to consider getting your WordPress site hooked up to it. Pocket is a free service that lets you access your personal reading list at a more convenient time on your iPhone, iPad, Android, Kindle Fire or in your browser.

Pocket Read It Later Links is a new plugin that automatically adds a “Read It Later” button to your WordPress posts. Here’s how the buttons look when added to your posts:

This is especially useful for sites with lengthy blog posts. You can even add your own custom CSS to change the placement of the button. Download the Pocket Read It Later Links plugin for free from the WordPress repository.

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