Thursday, June 14, 2012

Increase Your Design Savvy With These Tips For Creating Great Websites-web design tips,SEO tips,SEO firm

Increase Your Design Savvy With These Tips For Creating Great Websites

by Jeff Tormey

One of the first things visitors see online is that site's design. Since first impressions are hard to overcome, making a good one is important if website visitors are to be kept from fleeing a poorly-designed site immediately. The advice below will help you design a great website.

Have a trusted online resource or knowledgeable friend, who can help you if you have any issues while trying to design your web page. This is also a clever way to get impartial suggestions about how you can make your site better.

|If your website is intended for commercial use, a web hosting service that is free is not a good idea. You don't want advertising to draw focus away from your own products or services. You will be much better off to use a hosting service that you have paid for.

|Photoshop is a good program to use if you are a beggining web designer looking to manifest an attractive site. Using this type of program can assist beginning web designers in creating sites that look professional, extremely quickly. Building a site from scratch can be overwhelming for amateur designers, so take advantage of design tools and programs that can do some of the heavy lifting for you.

|It is important that your web designs are not too similar to others which are within your immediate industry circle. Visit the competition and compare it to your site. You will want to stand out in the midst of the crowd with a different style and design. It will only serve to make you a diluted version of what someone else has already done.

|Avoid using a member of your family to build your website. You can't fire family, it's a fact, so if they design something you don't want you'll end up disappointed or they'll leave frustrated.

|Use good judgement when you add sound to your website. Do not annoy your visitors with blasting sound that they have no way of turning off when they get to your site. It is recommended to include audio links instead and warn the viewer of their purpose. This way, they know what is coming and can prepare with whatever means necessary.

|Attempt to make all content globally friendly. Content on your website should be understood by many people, regardless of where they live. Your site may be viewed by people who don't live in your country, so make sure currency, measurements, etc., aren't specific to your country.

|Designing a website does not mean you have to spend money. Every expensive tool has an affordable counterpart that works just as well. Open source applications can often do the same job as applications that cost money. Therefore, using open-source software can save you a large amount of money.

|When you are seeking a hosting service to put your website on, do your research and be 100% sure of what is included within the cost. Find out how much disk space, bandwidth or CPU usage you are allowed. Know what you'll end up with, if you decide to go forward with it.

|Try using a grid host instead of dedicated VPS hosting if you're creating your own site. You don't know your site's traffic load, and there is no reason to overpay.

Choose a good background. Backgrounds that include animations or intricate patterns often make it very difficult to read important text content. Choose a background which coordinates well with the message that you are trying to impart, it must blend in well with the balance of your website design.

|You should have people beta testing your website as you build it. When you finish a new site feature, have an impartial observer test it and give feedback. As the site designer, you may not be concerned by a video or graphic that loads slowly. However, your users may feel differently. Always get several outside opinions.

|If you're looking for a domain name that's not available, you might find what you're looking for at an online domain auction. For instance, SEDO allows you to purchase a name from a wide selection of existing domain names that are no longer in use. While this option might be costly, having a great domain name is really worth it.

|If you need to design more than one website, then you should check into multiple platforms. Learning Java, MySQL, PHP and other platforms is going to help you for years to come. Regardless of whether you're building a brand new site or you're helping a friend create one, you should aim to turn into a designer with many different talents.

|In order for your website to be successful, it must work properly regardless of the browser that is used. You should therefore make certain that all of your web pages are thoroughly tested on a variety of browsers. What may work great in Firefox, may not work well in Internet Explorer or Chrome. Check how each page displays in the major browsers before your site goes live.

|Never underestimate the value of great meta tags throughout your website. Quality meta tags describe your site for search engines. Yet you want meta tags of high quality, and you want to make sure that the content of your site is reflected from these meta tags so you can attract as many visitors as possible.

|If your site has a logo, you need to ensure it links back to the home page. Nowadays, most users expect logos to have a clickable link to the home page. If the logo is not click-able, visitors might get frustrated looking for a link to your homepage. Incorporating a clickable logo greatly increases your site's usability.

|While you design the site, remember that it is not necessary to fill every square inch of your site with content. Making use of all the pixels and space makes the site look cluttered and feel overwhelming. Dividing up your site's elements with blank space, can make it easier for visitors to distinguish what elements perform what function. Sometimes, empty space can contribute to the look of a page as nicely as content does.

|It is important that any logo contained within your site, links back to the home page. People now have an expectation that when they click on a company logo, the result is a return to its main home page. If your logo isn't "clickable", that frustrates users, because they have to look around the site for the "home" link. Logos that you can click on will make the site more navigable.

|Your preferred domain name may already be in use; look at auction sites that sell domain names to see if you can still purchase it. You will be able to find many wonderful domain names that either are for sale, abandoned or have already been sold.

Designing a website can be very affordable if you do it yourself. For each tool that costs a great deal of money, there is a second tool that is beneficial and will not cost as much. For example, open source software can accomplish many of the same things you might use paid software for, and it is free. Using these free tools can save you a stack of cash!

|Look at any web design team or person's portfolio before you have them build you a site. Make certain they have experience designing for reputable business and that their product is excellent. A companies portfolio will give you a window to see what kind of experience and knowledge they have in website design.

|Talk to a pro and ask their advice; you will learn a great deal from a master of web design, because they already know how to create well-designed sites. When you do this, you almost ensure that you yourself will become a pro one day, if you stick to learning.

|Make user cancellations easy. This could be anything from filling out forms to registering for email newsletters. If you do not give visitors the option to get out of an action they do not want to continue with, you are pressuring them into something. This makes them less likely to come back or buy from you in the future.

|When you are choosing a web host, make sure that you understand what the service package includes. The things that are important to know are bandwidth, CPU usage, disk space and any other areas that they highlight in their package. Be sure that you understand exactly what you're getting.

|Be sure to always look at the links on your site, and make sure none are broken. Do this from time to time, before uploading it to the server. Checking links is important since visitors who click the link will become frustrated if they find unavailable content on a frequent basis. To avoid this, check to make sure everything works.

|Create and install a website icon on your page. A favorite icon, or favicon, will make your website easily recognizable. As they look through their bookmark list, your favicon will stand out more than the bookmarks of other sites. Try to design a favicon that is consistent with your logo and theme.

|Stick with common fonts that look professional. They are common for a reason. The font is one of the first items people notice when coming to a site. Avoid using fonts like Comic Sans and various fancy fonts that might not be on many computers. If your website calls for a font that your visitors do not have, a default font will be substituted. This can look worse.

|It's a good idea to set up your site so that it can retain a copy of user information that must be entered repeatedly. When a visitor fills out a registration form on your website, for instance, your site should hang onto that information, and use it to fill out data fields for the visitor on subsequent interactive pages ahead of time. Saving the user's information in this way simplifies work for them, and is much appreciated by your website visitors.

|Provide an easy-to-use link for customers to share content from your site on social networking sites, email, and forums. This will assist them in spreading the word concerning your site, which will increase your site's traffic as a result.

Try focusing time every day on your site. You need to dedicate extended periods of time so that you can actually get some work done rather than just working a little bit here and there. Putting in hard work on your websites not only improves them, it also refines and sharpens your design skills.

|If you are designing websites, you must be artistic. Keep your mind open to inspiration at all times. If you're eating out and an idea comes to you, be sure to jot that idea on your napkin. According to the circumstances, you might send yourself an email or call your own number and record an idea on your answering machine.

|You need to your own office space if you are going to be a webmaster. Eliminate distractions and maximize efficiency of the work space, so you are always ready to work. Your tools should be easy to access, and you should organize your work space to concentrate on your design.

|Your website should also feature links which allow your visitors to share what they find with their friends on social networking sites. It will make it much easier for them to get the word out about what they have found on your site, while boosting the traffic to your site at the same time.

|Visitors often care more about your site's content than the aesthetic quality of your design. Approach your website with a simple design that includes relevant information and pictures, so visitors have a positive experience on your website. A page that is simple and effective will load more quickly.

|When you have popups and links that make another browser window open, your users may find this very annoying. Further, many users may have an option set in their browsers to turn off these functions. Therefore, you should not use such techniques on your website. If you're considering using these particular techniques for navigation, you need to think about whether the entire navigation system that you have for your website needs improving.

|When building multiple web pages in the subcategory of your site, your best helper will be the copy/paste attribute on your computer. You can save time when designing your website by using the same HTML code, with small changes, for each page. Reusing the master copy of your web page's HTML code will make the design simpler.

|Avoid headaches by steering clear of free website hosting for your business. Free hosting may sound good, but the multitude of ads will ward off visitors. This can draw customers away rather than draw them in.

|Check with your web host before adding videos to your site, as some hosts will not allow it. Many web hosts will not let people host videos on their servers. The FLV files tend to take up a lot of room on public servers. Be sure to check before doing anything so you are not wasting your efforts.

|It may be worth your while to check out some domain auctions if the website you designed needs a domain name. Check out a domain site like SEDO to see if domain names they may have for sale would be suitable for your website. Consider a great domain name as an investment necessary to help visitors remember your site.

To create a well-designed website, you should pick colors that complement each other, and stick to them throughout the site. Visitors expect to see the same fonts and colors as they navigate throughout the site; otherwise, they may not be able to tell whether or not they are in the right place. Keep your graphics consistent on every page to avoid this problem. Use the same fonts and colors on your brochures and business cards as well.

|Do not hire a loved one to assist in designing your website. Hiring friends or family members is not a good idea when it comes to the design of your webpage. It can be difficult to fire a person you know well if you're not happy with the results.

|Stay creative when designing your site. It's okay to get ideas from other websites, but make your site as original as you can. Make sure that you improve any features you take from other websites, and focus on creating novel designs and features that are all your own. Your web design work will be more effective and more memorable if you remember to keep it creative.

|Your preferred domain name may already be in use; look at auction sites that sell domain names to see if you can still purchase it. There will be great domain names that were sold, abandoned, or ready for purchasing.

|Build a feedback-gathering mechanism into a website to gather visitors' opinions. If you have forgotten something or have made an element of your site confusing to use, they will be able to tell you. If a visitor feel involved, he or she will want to see your website again.

|Use all the resources you can find. There are a lot of magazines and books that are focused on website designing and they tackle every aspect imaginable. It is a great way to learn your craft and become a better designer.

|Draw a few sketches of possible looks for your website. Ask friends and family for honest critiques of your drafts so that you get an idea on what direction to take.

|Many times, visitors to your site will be more interested in content over the design of your page. To help your users find what they need quickly and efficiently, keep your website simple and include only relevant information and photographs. Simple pages will load much quicker than complex pages.

|Allow "site searching" on all of your pages. This makes your website more usable, content accessible and leaves visitors fulfilled. It is very easy to include this option on your website, and visitors will undoubtedly appreciate your effort.

|If you want your site to bring in more visitors, you should ensure it's simple to navigate. You should have links that are easy to find, as well as displayed well. Menus can also make it easier to navigate your site. Visitors will also be able to get around better if every sub-page has links back to your site's primary pages.

If your website is going to attract visitors, it needs to be easy to navigate. Place your links so they can be found easily. Menus are another way to make site navigation easier on your site. Make sure each page has a 'home' link.

|With a newsletter, you'll get repeat users. If you have your clients subscribe to updates, they will have a reason to come back again and again. Put a form for registration on a sidebar or somewhere visible, yet not interfering with the page's purpose. You can avoid some reputation-damaging trouble by making sure that your newsletter only goes out to visitors who have explicitly requested it.

|Free web hosting might sound like a bargain, but it can quickly turn into a nightmare. Avoid it for any of your business needs. Although it can be tempting to save money, particularly for someone just starting out, free hosts slam your site with a lot of ads, and you will have no input into which ads appear on your site. This will detract from the design and distract customers.

|Do not overuse JavaScript. Some of your website visitors may not have JavaScript, and others will not want to update it on a regular basis. Every web browsers is different and they are constantly updating. Many visitors use outdated versions of various web browsers, which means your code might not be supported. In addition, not everyone keeps JavaScript enabled within their browsers. Both of these mean users will be prevented from using the site you made.

|Realize that every step of web design will take a lot longer than you anticipated. If you set an unrealistic deadline for yourself, it will ultimately cause you to compromise the quality of your work. Give yourself the time you need to do a great job, and you'll be rewarded with great success!

|Hosting your own site is a bad idea, even if you've got the money to do it. Do as much of the design that you are comfortable with, but allow a professional to host your website, so your time is freed up; this allows you to dedicate your time for things other than the site's security and safety.

|Put in related keywords suited to your niche all through the website. Keep in mind that excellent web design doesn't simply represent art. It also represents persuasion. The website should be designed based on who you are making it for, what they are selling or trying to accomplish, and who their target audience is. Try to determine what your target audience responds to the best, and then use that phrasing throughout your site. Find three to five keywords and layer them throughout your design.

|Many platforms will put together code that you need, but you will find that some are unreliable editors. When you use a platform, in theory it will provide workable code to produce the website features and appearance that you want. But if you are looking for a more hands-on experience where you can control everything, including fixing the errors, then a basic text editor should be what you choose.

|Go ahead and invest into some books, that can assist you with learning how to become a successful web designer. First, read books for the beginner and advance from there.

|It is essential to test the pages in your website to be certain they look as they should on every different browser; a successful site needs to display correctly in all browsers. What works in Chrome may not present properly in Safari, Internet Explorer or Firefox. Before your website goes live, check to be sure that the pages display properly in all of the most popular browsers.

CAPTCHAs are only useful when people are registering for your website, otherwise skip them. CAPTCHAs annoy visitors because they have to complete some useless task just to get the information they want or post a comment. Unless your visitor is already devoted to your site, he or she will likely leave your page and go somewhere else.

|Be sure that all your website's links are up-to-date and work properly. User-friendliness is crucial to good web design, and broken links will probably frustrate visitors to your site. Check each link on your website regularly to be sure they work correctly.

|Make sure to preserve personal information that may need to be entered again by the same user of your website. For instance, if a visitor registers for your newsletter and they are going to use the same information to make a purchase, be sure the data they've already entered is kept, so they do not have to re-enter the same information. With this "sticky" information, you create a simpler, easier experience for your users, which will prompt them to stay on-site longer.

|Always opt for fonts that area crisp and easy to read. The font is one of the first items people notice when coming to a site. Don't use fancy fonts, such as Comic Sans since many computers don't have them. In case your user's browser cannot display the font your website uses, a secondary font can be set. That will appear worse.

|Choose some reference books on design principles in general, and web design in particular. Stick to books for beginning web designers until you've mastered the basics, so that you won't miss anything you need to know as you study web design.

|If your site is larger than a few pages, it should be searchable. Perhaps in the upper corner, a search box will ensure that your visitors can search for anything within your site. You can get search functions to improve your website at FreeFind and at Google.

|Use empty space to your benefit in highlighting the things that actually matter. Having some free space within your site improves its readability. This will cause your visitors to more easily read and retain the knowledge provided to them.

|Make sure the color combinations that you use on your site don't hinder their ability to be read. You have to be certain that your text will be readable on top of the background colors you use. Dark text on light backgrounds are typically easier on the eyes than the other way around. If you don't know whether your color theme functions well, ask a friend or colleague to provide feedback.

|Construct a visual sitemap as a means of planning your site accurately. By doing this, you can have a clear idea of the way in which your site is coming together. You can also find places that require improvement or maintenance. Having a visual representation is key to designing a website.

|Talk to a pro to learn a lot about web design. By doing this, you are helping to guarantee that one day you too will be a professional, because you are willing to take the time and gain the knowledge to do things the correct way.

Try signing up for an email newsletter that covers web design, so that you can reorient yourself should you ever become confused. Whether designers are well-versed in web design or just getting started, they are likely to find helpful information.

|Add relevant keywords to help your audience when you are designing your site. Good web design can combine art and marketing to create a persuasive, engaging interface. It's important to grasp who the website is targeting. What language will your target audience respond to? Discover approximately five keywords, and then layer them into your design.

|Do not utilize pop-ups. There is little worse than visiting a site and being attacked by pop-up ads or newsletter sign-up boxes. Most people will immediately leave a website that has pop-ups, even if they are on big websites. Make sure your customers are happy by eliminating these pesky ads from your site. If you have a host that requires the use of pop-ups, then look for a new one.

|If you are agonizing over what color your website's background should be, don't be afraid to go with plain, effective white. Viewers will feel confident in the professional look afforded by a solid white background. However, intricate background images are often difficult to pull off; more often than not they appear sloppy and distracting. Backgrounds should be simple and subtle.

|Everyone has heard about Photoshop, and they know that they have to learn it in order to become successful with web design. However, many are not as familiar with Dreamweaver software and its features. It might be worth looking into this application to find out how it can benefit you.

|The more work you put into learning web design, the easier it will get. So once you have the basics, start a simple web page using HTML and C+. See if you've got what it takes. It's important to practice to make sure you know the ropes of web design.

|White is perhaps the best option for background color. White backgrounds cause your content to be easily seen, and it gives your site a trustworthy feel and a more professional look. Complex backgrounds can make pages unreadable and give your site an amateurish look. Simple instead of complex is always better where backgrounds are concerned.

|Set up your site so that visitors can cancel actions they initiate if they change their minds. Actions include registering for any e-mail notifications, browsing the site, or filling out forms. Visitors with second thoughts are not going to appreciate being locked into an action. They will feel that they are being forced to act against their wishes, and it will be unlikely that they will want to return to your site after such an experience.

|PhotoShop is a popular application and web designers must learn it. Even still, many people don't know anything about dreamweaver and the benefits it can offer to web designers. Check this program out for yourself.

|When you are making a number of pages that require the same template, the simplest way to do this is to use copy/paste. Rather than taking the time to constantly start from scratch with HTML coding, just copy existing content and re-save it with a new name. You can use the template file as much as you want.

As you can now see, web designing does not have to be confusing. Increasing your knowledge will ease the design process. You should quickly learn what you need to know to succeed as a web designer using the techniques you just read about.

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Your Success In Network Marketing Is Possible!-Internet Marketing,Internet Business,Home Based Business,Home Business,Network Marketing

Your Success In Network Marketing Is Possible!

by Steven Suchar

Success in network marketing can only be achieved by hard work, determination and a considerable number of other factors too. If you're going to be a success in network marketing, you have to understand that right from the beginning, this is a job, not some idle entertainment or past time. You have to dedicate yourself from the first day and work regularly toward your ambitions.

But what are your targets, do you even know? Many people wander thru their complete lives without any definite goal in mind. Somebody once conducted a survey among students, they were asked what their goals were. A number of the students hadn't any idea what their goals were and others were vague. Only three percent had definite goals that they have written down and were working towards, even in their college years.

These same scholars were interviewed ten years later. You may not be surprised to hear that the ones who had written down their goals, were ten times more financially set than their peers who had no certain goals. They were already well on their way to achieving their ultimate dreams and goals.

So write your goals down now, even if you're 65 years old. Network marketing doesn't discriminate over age, you might be financially set and successful in only one or two years, enjoying a long and well earned retirement.

Get yourself together. Once you have printed your ambitions in large red letters and posted it all over your working area, it is time to get down to work. Be practical and decide how many hours a day or week you can dedicate to your network marketing business. If you're working full time, it is more important to get into good working habits when you get home, it's all too simple to waste each night watching television.

You don't have to give up life completely, but you have to devote a fixed amount of hours every week towards your business. Yes, look at those goals again, if you can work at your network marketing business for 4 hours at a time on Saturday and Sunday, stick to those hours.

There are a series of definite steps you must take when beginning your network marketing business and these steps are truly part of a system. Everybody needs a system, problem is it can be particularly difficult to discover a proven system that works. All too commonly, you will be convinced to buy one of those fly-by-night guru courses, problem is, many of those so-called experts haven't ever run a successful network marketing business themselves.

The sole way to learn network marketing is from folks who've been in the business for years, and between them, have made millions of dollars.

The secret is to master the art and science of massive direct response marketing for mlm lead generation. Think attraction marketing, think leads and think personal branding. Think about building a business, not just a downline.

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The Top Adsense Alternatives-

The Top Adsense Alternatives

by Rui Ludovino

A lot of people have started using Google's AdSense, but there are some who find it a bit too uncertain or simply not suiting their own requirements from an ad program. But thankfully for such people, there are many alternatives to AdSense which attempt to alleviate some of its shortcomings. Here is a list of the top ones from the lot with a description concerning each one.

AllFeeds has a great pool of online advertisers to choose from. It also features many display formats that you can choose from. These include banners, buttons, XML feeds, DHTML pop-ups and so on. It also features real time reporting of your ad status. The site will mail a check every month, provided that you earn more than $25.00, while rolling over earnings for the next month if you don't. Another interesting thing about AllFeeds is that it integrates with Google AdSense, maximizing your earnings with AdSense.

MarketBanker allows you the unique possibility to set the pricing for your site. And that makes it one of the best ones. It also allows you to allow or reject any link that appears on your site (although AdSense itself does a very good job of this as well, with URL filters). There's also a statistics section which will allow you to see the website performance. The ads are small just like AdSense's and they're just as easy to set up. By the way, registration for MarketBanker is free.

BidClix is different because it has advertisers compete for clicks on your site, which in turn is meant to generate the highest possible profits for your page. It also has a very large pool of advertisers which ensure there are plenty of people to choose your site. However, it does require more polish on site contents then AdSense.

The last one is Real Context. It is unique as well. Keywords are selected based upon which previous selections paid off and which didn't. That means there's a constant feedback process that ensures you gain better revenue from your ads. It also supports blocking certain ads and child-safe filtering and many more options.

To best results, you will need to have optimized niche website. You may find the best Adsense templates and blog templates on the internet.

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Top Secret Tips To The Art Of Public Speaking So You Become A Better Speaker-public speaking, self improvement, self help, business

Top Secret Tips To The Art Of Public Speaking So You Become A Better Speaker

by Chris Jay

Not everyone understands the art of public speaking. The reason being is that it takes lots of courage, confidence, and good speaking abilities. Once you master the art of public speaking, you will have the ability to compel the crowd to listen to you and remain focused on your subject. You will find there are many important rules and techniques which you must follow to be considered a good and influential presenter. You should begin small, specifically for people who are beginners at speaking in public. Choose some buddies and family members so you can practise your speech before you perform in front of a live audience.

If you find yourself capable and confident enough to speak in front of a large group, only then take the next step. Ask your friends to point out your mistakes and give you feedback on your performance. Before you begin speaking before a small or a large audience, you should research your subject very well. This can give your confidence a lift.

Another important consideration in the art of public speaking is to interact with your audience. You need to remove the fear barrier from your mind and freely interact with the crowd just like you would among buddies. When you interact with your audience, you help them to stay focused on you and your topic. You need to grab all of their focus and attention towards yourself. Don't commit to memory what you are going to discuss on stage. Use some index cards to remind you of the important points to discuss.

Rather, commit to memory just the most important points about your subject and expand on these points using your own personal experience with the topic. By doing so, you'll recall the content of your topic without memorizing it. While speaking, cover the whole subject. Attempt to include images and video inside your presentation to maintain your audience focus on you. Your subject won't be boring if you include some real world examples and videos in your speech. This helps your audience to stay more focused on you.

These are merely a couple of tips, but when you really want to master the art of public speaking, you'll need more tips, techniques and advise. Rather than wasting time trying to find different websites to get a couple of tips, it's better to purchase a whole course which can help you overcome your anxiety about speaking in public.

These are just a few tips, but if you actually want to master the art of public speaking then you will need more tips, techniques and help. Instead of wasting your time searching for different websites to find a few tips, it's best to purchase an entire course that also helps you overcome your fear of public speaking.To become a good public speaker, fear will be your greatest enemy. Any course you purchase should have several modules devoted to managing your fears as a public speaker. Once you conquer any social anxiety you have about speaking in public, you will have truly mastered the art of public speaking.

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The Significance of Search Engine Optimization in Online Marketing Endeavors-Search Engine Optimisation,SEO Services,SEO,Search Engine Marketing

The Significance of Search Engine Optimization in Online Marketing Endeavors

by Shane Walker

With regards to search engine marketing, it is crucial to analyze the appropriate business sites to have a notion on the big picture regarding this topic. It might not end up being the easiest move to make because it is so technical and complicated to understand. However, you'll find online business sites on the market that have the skill to boost your search engine marketing standing instantly. But avoid internet sites that offers SEO Services which demand a registration charge right away. This possibly can be the fraudsters of this industry.

In online advertising, there's a great benefit which can be expected from the online world. Currently, there are tons websites that are moving already on the internet advertising bandwagon. This is because outbound marketing is phasing out while inbound advertising takes in charge. One of the most important things to be carried out Search Engine Optimisation is to boost page views of your website. The only way in which you can easily implement this is by having remarkable content and tons of good quality backlinks as well.

Google has highlighted the risk for websites to compete among themselves with regards to search engine ranking supremacy. Following this, the website that has the most amount of website views and clicks will win the competition. For this field, search engine marketing is totally crucial so too is the written content of your internet site. The content should influence internet surfers to get interested in the items and buy it. Ultimately, search engine marketing is definitely aiming towards great conversion rates to increase sales and income.

There are many net analytical approaches that can help you get the edge over your competitors. However, this is a long run task and cannot be performed in one day or perhaps a couple. You need to know that fiscal investment in SEO is totally worth every penny because majority of online businesses are starting to increase their work outcomes in the SEO industry. At this battle, determination and persistence along with a formidable online advertising program will do it all for you.

Overall, you can actually have a great start on this field if you gather most of the information needed regarding the altering status of search engine optimisation. When you need more assistance, there are lots of businesses out there that supply SEO Services for you to serve your purpose in turning into a website that will stand out in the search engine ranking results.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Blog Network vs. Independent

Blog Network vs. Independent

Blog Network vs. Independent

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 04:34 AM PDT

Bloggers have two choices for their blogs, join a larger blog network as paid, professional bloggers or launch their blogs on their own. Find out the pros and cons of both and determine which is the right choice for you.

5 StumbleUpon Tips

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 04:34 AM PDT

Learn five simple tricks to use StumbleUpon to drive more traffic to your blog.

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7 Web Tools to Help You Cross-Browser Test Your WordPress Theme

7 Web Tools to Help You Cross-Browser Test Your WordPress Theme

7 Web Tools to Help You Cross-Browser Test Your WordPress Theme

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 12:21 PM PDT

Testing your WordPress theme across different browsers can be a daunting task. You may have the latest versions of most of the most-used browsers on your computer, however it is worth testing previous versions too.

Traditionally you would have to use a different installation of an operating system on a virtual machine or another computer in order to test; these were inconvenient methods. There are now other methods to test different browsers effortlessly.

Web-based Solutions

In recent years there have been web-based services set up to let developers and designers do cross-browser testing quickly and efficiently. Some of these services are effectively screenshots of your website across different browsers, however some others work like virtual machines.

These services are generally free, however some will offer a paid membership which will guarantee you a quicker and better service. Below are some of the free services.

Adobe Browserlab (Free)


Browserlab is a free service provided by Adobe that allows users to live-test their website on various modern and old browsers and across Windows and Mac OS. Browserlab works like a virtual machine. A split-screen mode is available so that users can compare their website on different browsers. The list of available browsers are however limited only to the latest version of Chrome, Firefox (on both Windows and Mac OS), Safari, and the four latest versions of Internet Explorer.

On average it took around 20 seconds to load the homepage.

Browsershots (Free & paid)

Screenshot Result

Browsershots takes screenshots of your website and allows you to download medium-sized images of the results. The results, however, only show the top portion of the website depending on the preset resolution size of the browser. The list of available browsers is enormous (164 versions of browsers across three operating systems) and even includes the little-used and little-known ones like Avant and Flock.

Browser Choice

Browsershots provides both a free and paid service, however the free service is quite slow and there's a limit on how many screenshots you can request in a day. The paid version is $29.95 or €23.95 per month and is much quicker, you will be able to get 30 to 50 screenshots in two to five minutes.

Requesting screenshots from the four latest IE browsers took 15 minutes on average.

Browserling (Free and paid)


Browserling allows users to live-test old and recent versions of the five most-used browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera) however you can only view one browser at a time. It works like Browserlab, however you are restricted to one virtual machine per session. Users will also be able to change browser resolution.

Unregistered users will be able to view their website for a maximum of three minutes, after that the user will have to refresh the session. Registered users will be able to view their website for a maximum of five minutes. Their paid plans range from $20 per month to $250 per month depending on the usage required. IE6, IE7 and IE8 are restricted to paid users.

On average it took around 10 seconds to load the homepage.

IETester (Free)


IETester is a free IE browser-testing application which runs on Windows XP, Vista and 7. It allows users to test their website across IE5.5 to IE10. IETester is useful because Windows does not allow multiple versions of IE on the same installation of the operating system. Unfortunately IETester does not run on Mac OS, however it can be run through a virtual machine.

Saucelabs (Free and paid)


Saucelabs is a service that allows users to live-test their website and works like Browserling, however Saucelabs includes additional features such as being able video-record your sessions for debugging.

Free accounts include 45 of test minutes per month. Premium version range from $29 to $279 and will give users unlimited test minutes.

On average it took around 30 seconds to load the homepage.

Browsera (Free and paid)


Browsera renders the user's website and displays them side by side, highlighting the differences found in displaying the website on each browser; it also detects Javascript errors found when rendering the page.

Their free account allows 25 tests per month with Firefox 3.6 and 7, and IE7 and IE8, however more browsers can be unlocked by subscribing to their paid service. Their paid service range from $39/14 days to $99/month.

On average it took around two minutes to load the homepage.

TestiPhone (Free)


If your website has a mobile version, you may want to check how it'll look like on the iPhone with TestiPhone.

On average it took around 5 seconds to load the homepage.


There are many tools out there to help you with cross-browser checking. Check each one of them to see if you would be comfortable with using it continuously as it's important to test your design early; there's nothing worse than working for days on a theme that looks perfect on one browser only to find that it's completely messy on another.

Do you use any of the services listed above? If not, let us know how you perform cross-browser checks and which ones you find most useful.

Featured Image courtesy of gui.tavares

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WordPress Plugins: The 24 I Use On My Blog

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Leaving Work BehindAnyone who is familiar with my writing for WPMU will know that I am a bit of a plugin junkie. I can’t get enough of them. And since I spend rather a lot of time testing and reviewing plugins, I find it rather difficult to curb my addiction at times.

You may not know that as well as writing for the likes of WPMU and other sites, I have my own blog. Often, when I write up a review for a plugin, I first found it when looking for ways to achieve something with Leaving Work Behind.

Keeping the number of plugins I have running on my site to a manageable number is an ongoing battle. I regularly go through the list of what I have installed and try to make an objective decision as to whether or not I really need them all. Having just done this, I thought it would be a nice opportunity to share the plugins I have running on my blog with you.


The List

Plugin Rating Last Updated # of Downloads Support Response
AddQuickTag 4.7 06/12/12 73,761 0 / 0
Akismet 4.0 04/26/12 1,098,2324 2 / 3
Align RSS Images 4.6 08/20/09 7,333 0 / 0
Clicky by Yoast 4.8 06/10/12 96,498 2 / 2
Comment Reply Notification 4.8 10/13/10 34,194 0 / 0
Digg Digg 3.4 05/24/12 430,765 2 / 15
Edit Flow 4.9 01/09/12 28,822 10 / 11
Exclude Pages from Navigation 3.9 12/04/11 659,197 0 / 0
PHP Code Widget 4.4 04/30/12 210,817 0 / 0
FD Feedburner Plugin 4.2 12/12/11 366,349 0 / 0
Google Analytics for WordPress 4.2 10/12/11 3,163,786 0 / 11
Hide Trackbacks 5.0 05/10/11 1,880 0 / 0
ManageWP – Worker 4.5 06/12/12 179,122 0 / 0
Newsletter Sign-Up 4.5 11/23/11 54,710 1 / 1
P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) 4.7 06/02/12 36,303 7 / 7
Quick Page/Post Redirect DEV 4.7 02/06/12 205,645 4 / 5
Redirection 3.8 05/07/12 1,035,775 1 / 18
Social Media Widget 4.0 05/06/12 490,496 2 / 2
Widget Logic 4.1 05/01/12 351,453 2 / 3
WordPress SEO by Yoast 4.7 06/12/12 1,418,194 186 / 189
WP-Table Reloaded 4.3 06/11/12 434,687 54/75
WP 4.4 05/26/12 231,829 7 / 12
Yet Another Related Posts Plugin 3.6 03/03/12 1,626,104 1 / 14
W3 Total Cache 4.5 08/26/11 1,139,949 9 / 42

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I Got 99 Problems but a Blog Infected With Malware Ain’t One

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 09:05 AM PDT

Security warning – Malware detected!”

Or as anyone who’s site has ever been attacked will tell you, “Drop everything! You’re about to spend the next week cleaning this script off of your site – and even when you do get it cleaned, it will come back again… and again…”

That’s how I looked at it until I invested in’s services.

The Free Plugin

Sucuri offers a free plugin – you can grab it from the WordPress repository.

Once installed on your blog, it will allow you to scan for malware and potential issues; give you one-click controls to harden files and access points; and help you determine if you have any “holes” that scammers could find and exploit.

If you haven’t been infected by any viruses or attacked with malware, the free plugin is a good option for staying on top of potential issues.


The Paid Service

If you’ve been hit by a virus or malware, though, the paid version is worth every penny (IMHO).

With a subscription, will scan your site on regular intervals (you decide… daily, every 6 hours, etc).

Not only will they tell you if they find a problem – they’ll fix it for you, within a few hours.

Here’s a great example of why this is a worthwhile investment…

Last week while I was enjoying 8 rounds of “Kickball Home Run Derby” at my sons’ elementary school Field Day, two of my sites were under attack.

All of the attacks were caught by, who cleaned the sites, closed up the hole the scammers had found and sent me a list of recommended steps to further protect the sites.

And I had no clue until I was walking off the kickball field and found the notices from Sucuri in my inbox.

The Dashboard

As hands-free as the whole process can be – they do have a really nice dashboard.

Here’s a look at a report that shows the current status of one of my domains:


At a glance, I can see that everything is fine on this site… but if it weren’t, the areas of concern would be clear.

And, if I were to beat Sucuri to the punch and find a security issue before they did, I can ask them to look into it and fix it using this simple form:



Finding this plugin and service has saved me countless hours of frustration. Plus, it’s saved me from the greater costs of losing visitors who receive security warnings when trying to visit my sites.

So, even if you’re not going to implement this on your site today – in the future, if your site does get attacked just remember “kickball” and “malware” – I’m pretty sure this is the only post this site (or on any site possibly!) with that combination!


Photo: Hacking from Pixmac.

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Facebook for WordPress: New Official Plugin Makes WordPress Sites Social

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Facebook has announced its first official plugin for WordPress. Since WordPress powers 16.6 percent of the web with more than 600 million unique visitors each month, it was only a matter of time before Facebook would develop an official plugin for the platform. The Facebook plugin for WordPress is a collaborative project between Facebook, Automattic, and several skilled developers on both sides.

Social Publishing

The new official Facebook plugin was designed to “make your WordPress site social in a couple of clicks”. It offers powerful cross-publishing from WordPress to multiple Facebook Timelines for mass distribution of your content.

The Official Facebook Plugin Features include:

  • Post to an Author’s Facebook Timeline whenever they publish a new WordPress Post or Page.
  • Mention friends and Facebook Pages. This posts to their Timelines as well as lists them on the WordPress Post or Page.
  • Post all new WordPress Post or Pages to a specified Facebook Page.
  • Like, send, and subscribe buttons can be enabled in a click and are fully customizable.
  • Facebook Comments, including full SEO support.
  • Open Graph Protocol integration.
  • Recommendations bar, which allows users to click to start getting recommendations, Like content, and add what they’re reading to Timeline as they go.

The plugin also includes three widgets for easy display: Activity Feed Box, Recommendations Box and Like, send, and subscribe buttons.

You will be required to set up a Facebook app after activating the plugin, but it shouldn’t be a problem because Facebook provides step-by-step instructions.

Developer documentation for the official plugin can be found at the Facebook for WordPress page if you’d like to delve a bit deeper into how it works.

Have you tried the new Facebook plugin? Will you be using it on your site?

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How to Add a Beautiful Flipboard to Your WordPress Site

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

I find myself using FlipBoard more and more every week. The application is currently available for iPhone, iTouch and iPad though is being rolled out to Android users now too. For those who haven’t used the app, FlipBoard is a news and social media aggregation application that lets you flip through content as if you were reading a book. It may sound a little gimmicky but it really does make reading a joy.

Due to my love of FlipBoard, I was really excited when I came across the WordPress Flipper plugin in the CodeCanyon marketplace. The plugin lets you add a jQuery featured area to any post or page. The video below shows you exactly what the plugin can do.

The plugin isn’t currently responsive however it does support touchscreens. This allows people viewing your site on tablets and mobile phones to browse through content on your website by flicking their fingers on the page.

Setting WordPress Flipper Up

Setting up your flipper is a breeze though confusingly, the developer chose to call different flippers ‘widgets’ despite the fact they have nothing to do with the WordPress widget system. I soon realised after checking the widget area that the plugin does not work with widgets. Thankfully, when I spoke to Nikolay regarding this issue he admitted that he had used the word ‘widget’ as he couldn’t think of anything better, though the name will be changed in the next update to avoid any confusion.

The general options page lists all the flippers you have created so far. You can those you don’t need any more and clicking on the name of a flipper will allow you to edit it.

Flipper General Options

In the general settings area you define the width and height of your flipper. The number of pages of content can also be defined here. By default the flipper shows navigation circles underneath and arrows at both the left and right hand side for skipping pages. These can be switched off if you prefer.

Flipper Settings

There are 9 default layouts to choose from. You can choose from one or two columns and an small, medium or large image can be integrated into the page. There is a custom option available too if you want to design it yourself using CSS.

Flipper Layout

The plugin cannot pull content from your posts or pages. Like many featured slider plugins, you need to add the content manually via the content area. Clearly the plugin was designed as a cool way to present additional content rather than an alternative way to publish posts and pages.

Nikolay hinted in the comment area of CodeCanyon that he may upgrade the plugin in future to allow posts, pages and custom post types to be pulled inside the flipper. I’d love to see this introduced as it would make the plugin much more versatile.

Flipper Content

On the last tab of the settings area you can see a preview of your flipper.

Flipper Preview

Adding Flipper To Your Website

Once you have finished setting up your flippa you can add it to any post or page on your website using shortcode. You simply need to ensure to state the name of your flipper e.g. [flipper name="WPMU Flipper"].

I tested it out on the default WordPress theme Twenty Eleven. The final result was impressive though the current version has a CSS issue that displays content directly underneath the flipper area. Due to this, the page navigation buttons underneath overlap the content. Nikolay ensured me via email that this was just a simple CSS issue and it will be resolved in the next update though I must admit I was surprised to see a simple error like this end up in the final version. This is a commercial product after all so you would expect it to at least be tested on the default WordPress designs Twenty Ten and Twenty Eleven.

Flipper Output

Unfortunately, there is no way to insert the flipper into a page template. This makes it difficult to add the flipper to a specific area of your design such as top of your home page or in your footer. Hopefully a future version will include basic instructions as to how flippers can be added to your site using PHP include (or something similar).


Featured sliders are so common now that the majority of WordPress business, portfolio and blogging themes come integrated with one. WordPress Flipper isn’t really a featured slider though. I initially assumed that this was the case though it’s better to consider it as a unique way of presenting content within a post or page.

I can see a variety of uses for the plugin. It would be a cool way of displaying frequently asked questions, instructions or perhaps presenting information on your about page in a unique way.

Despite the small CSS issue and confusing use of the term ‘widget’ in the options area, I was impressed with the plugin. It’s very quick to set up, very easy to use and the final output looks great. A license for WordPress Flipper retails for only $14 from CodeCanyon. I recommend checking it out if you are looking for a unique way of displaying content within posts and pages on your site :)


* Many thanks to developer Nikolay Dyankov who sent us a test copy of this plugin for the purpose of this review :)

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United Nations Considers Global Internet Tax, Targets U.S. Websites

Posted: 13 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

United Nations Internet Tax (piggy bank featured image)
According to two recently leaked documents (Doc 1  & Doc. 2 from WCITLeaks), the United Nations is considering a global internet tax designed to target some of the largest U.S. based websites, charging them for bandwidth they use outside of the U.S.

The tax, which would likely hit sites such as Google, Apple, Facebook, and Netflix could lead those websites to deny access to users in developing countries where the financial cost of delivery would outweigh the gain.

Presumably, of course, this could also extend to – which comes in 18th place on the list of the world's most visited sites, according to Other large sites such as Wikipedia and Twitter could no doubt be candidates as well.

European Telecom Lobbying Group Proposes Tax

Etno LogoThe proposal for the tax was put forth by the European Telecommunications Network Operators Association (ETNO), a Brussels-based telecom lobbying group representing forty-one companies in thirty-five European countries. They are seeking to rewrite an existing telecom treaty so as to levy the tax on large U.S. companies seeking to serve non-U.S. users.


ITU logoThe proposal was submitted to be taken up by the International Telecommunications Union (ITC)  at the World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) summit to be held in Dubai in December. According to an article at Cnet (recommended reading), "The summit will review a set of telecommunications regulations established in 1988, when home computers used dial-up modems, the Internet was primarily a university network, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was a mere 4 years old.

"That review has created an opening for countries with a weak appreciation of free speech and civil liberties — with Russia and China in the lead — to propose the U.N. establish an new 'information security' regime or create an alternative to ICANN, the nonprofit organization that has acted as the Internet’s de facto governance body since the late 1990s."

One Country, One Vote

World Telecom Summit

In the ITU, which consists of 193 member states, each country receives one vote. While both sides of the political aisle in the U.S. are in rare agreement over opposing more global regulation over the internet, traditional U.S. allies in matters such as these, namely Europeans, may be voting the opposite way in the hopes of scoring financial gains from large U.S. companies.

Again, according to the above-mentioned article from Cnet:

Vint Cerf, Google’s chief Internet evangelist, co-creator of the TCP/IP protocol, and former chairman of ICANN, said the ITU meeting could lead to “top-down control dictated by governments” that could impact free expression, security, and other important issues.

“The open Internet has never been at a higher risk than it is now,” Cerf said.


Photo: Broken Piggy Bank on a white background, World Map Information from BigStock


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White Label WordPress: Ultimate Branding Gives You Complete Control

Posted: 12 Jun 2012 02:14 PM PDT

Ultimate Branding Plugin to White Label WordPressYou work hard to provide the best possible website for your client or community, so why should you have to sacrifice an ongoing branding opportunity by using the generic WordPress dashboard for custom projects?

This is why we’ve created a unique way for you to be able to continue to promote your brand throughout your client's dashboard experience. Continuous branding reflects a lasting mark of excellence that can continue to sell your services and impact your sales long after the project is complete.

Just imagine your Multisite or BuddyPress installation reading "Powered by Your Brand" instead of "Powered by WordPress." With the Ultimate Branding plugin, white labeling WordPress has never been so easy!

Awesome Features Include:

  • Hide dashboard widgets – No more WP in your dashboard
  • Change text dynamically – Automatically change "WordPress" to "Your Business"…Everywhere!
  • Change the login image – To "Your Brand" logo
  • Add your own custom links to the WordPress Admin bar – Easily onsert your own navigation
  • Change your site meta generator tags – Even the code won't show
  • Custom Favicons – your own bookmark icons, made easy to update
  • Customize your own admin help – Help your users with your own material
  • Global footers taken care of – Easily to add with this plugin
  • Hide the WordPress Welcome – No more "Welcome to WP"

Ultimate Branding gives you even more options for completely white labeling WordPress by letting you use CSS to customize the Login and Admin experience as well as remove the permalinks menu if you choose. Controlling your branding experience has never been so simple.

Check out the Network Admin interface for enabling various modules:

Ultimate Branding Plugin Network Admin

Give your Multisite project the professionalism it deserves with a truly rebranded experience. With Ultimate Branding you can say goodbye to custom hacks and dozens of different plugins, because you get everything you need for white labeling in one package! And with WPMU DEV, you can always count on new releases, upgrades and guaranteed support. Download Ultimate Branding today to start taking advantage of this strong opportunity to brand yourself.

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